
System Explorer

It is a free , awards winning software for exploration and management of System Internals. 

This small software includes many useful tools which help you Keep Your System Under Control .

You get also fast access to File Database which help you to determine unwanted processes or threats .

It is translated into 29 languages and is available for download in installer and portable version.


  • Detailed information about Tasks, Processes, Modules, Startups, IE Addons, Uninstallers, Windows, Services, Drivers, Connections and Opened Files.
  • Easy check of suspicious files.
  • Easy monitoring of processes activities and System changes.
  • Usage graphs of important System resources.
  • Tray Hint with detailed System and Battery status.
  • WMI Browser and System Additional Info
  • Multilanguage Support
Platforms : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
File size :2.2MB