

This is a freeware to improve the sound quality of mp3 at lower bit rates, Coding Technologies has developed an enhancement technology that gives back the sound the high frequency components. The technology is called "Spectral Band Replication" (SBR). SBR is a very efficient method to generate the high frequency components of an audio signal.

Combining mp3 with the SBR enhancement technology generates an audio signal with high bandwidth at low bit rates.

mp3PRO, the resulting audio format is composed out of two components, the mp3 part for the low frequencies and the SBR or "PRO" part for the high frequencies. Since the "PRO" part requires only a few kbps, the format could be done in a way that it is still compatible with the original mp3 format. 

Supported Bitrates

mp3PRO technology can support more bit rates than just 64 kbps. At lower bit rates mp3PRO technology is ideal for web casting and Internet radio. At higher bit rates, mp3PRO technology is perfect for high quality audio transmission and storage. The following bit rates are supported by mp3PRO:

Mono: 18, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 kbps
LC-stereo: 18, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 kbps
Stereo: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96 kbps

Download link: http://www.mp3prozone.com
File size : 1.1MB
Platforms: Windows (All)